Sunday, February 24, 2013

Graduating College. Now What?

As college graduates we have a lot on our minds. From ordering graduation announcements to making sure all of our academic requirements are met, the stress tends to pile up. Add to the list trying to figure out a game plan for after graduation, you have the recipe for an uncomfortable last few months of school.

You could push the reality of the situation to the back of your mind, but it is important to create a game plan. While the urge to freak out (trust me it will happen at some point) may come around a few times, try to remain level-headed and realistic throughout the whole process.

Here is my handy, dandy checklist of things to do before you graduate:

  • Meet with your academic advisor to make sure you are on track
  • Research/Apply for internships or jobs (either for spring term or summer)
  • Update your cover letter, resume and portfolio if needed
  • Meet with your career center 
  • Create a LinkedIn profile and join professional groups
  • NETWORK, NETWORK, NETWORK - order business cards
  • Purge your dorm room - get rid of all unnecessary paperwork, supplies, clothing, etc...
  • Clean up your Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest and other social media outlets
  • Start reading blogs/news about industries that interest you
  • Follow thought leaders on Twitter - interact with them
  • Start reading national/global news
  • Start planning your financial future - if you haven't learned how to budget, do it now
  • Go for a walk, yoga class, or anything that will help you relax
  • Start waking up at a normal time
  • Start wearing more professional clothes
And finally - remember to cherish these last few months. Take time to hang out with friends and create more memories; these days will soon be long gone!

It is OKAY to not have it all figured out, but having short term goals to work towards will help keep you motivated when you are feeling down about the big changes happening in your life! You have to be ready to work hard and go along with the changes that will happen over the next few months. If you have a solid game plan in place, it will make the whole process easier.

One last thing...

I am a big advocate for being up-to-date about current employment trends. This affects you now and it is smart to understand that finding a job after school is more difficult than ever before. Here is an article about the reality of the job situation for those who are graduating in the next couple of months. It is a MUST READ for any soon to be college grad! While it is eye-opening, I hope that this serves as a motivator for you to do all you can now in order to give yourself a competitive edge later! Thanks to the PR Girl for posting this article!

Do your research and know that it is going to take time. Patience and perseverance are key to success.
