Saturday, February 23, 2013

Welcome to my new blog!

Pearls, Curls & A PR Girl: Musings on Life & PR is meant to be a place where I can share my ideas, not only on PR, but also on fashion, sorority and life beyond college, including the job/internship search. My goals for Pearls & Curls are simple. I want to teach about public relations and share the next adventures as I move on from my college years. 

Starting a blog has been something I have wanted to do for a while; I just didn't have a clue what to write about. I couldn't find my niche. It dawned on me one night - I should be writing about what I love! What exactly is that? PR and all things girly. It seemed like the perfect choice. All I had to do was add my own "Erin" flair and voilĂ  a new blog was created!

Why Pearls, Curls & a PR Girl? I mulled over the perfect name for my new blog for a few days. It wasn't until I was curling my hair for work that the name struck me. As I looked in the mirror, I saw a future PR pro who just happened to be wearing pearls with curled hair! It seemed right and so it stuck.

Over the next week I will be establishing my different sections/pages. Things to look forward to: interview tips, cover/resume letter tips, personal branding, thoughts on social media, PR terminology, and a fun little section I will be calling "Pearls of PR" (pearls are little inspirational quotes and advice for aspiring PR pro's - because well, we all need a little inspiration every once in a while). I will also be starting a section called Girl & Book - must reads for every PR girl!

I hope that you take the time to comment and leave your thoughts! 
