Saturday, February 23, 2013

Pearl: Being Your Own Cheerleader

I have always been a firm believer in being your own personal cheerleader.

This motto has taken me through most of my adult years. Sometimes it is hard to constantly stay positive, but that is typically when I try to find an inspirational quote for the week and post it on my mirror at home.

Today's "pearl" holds a lot of meaning for me. The very core of me wants things to happen and happen now. I don't want to wait for anything; I can be impatient. I have learned that I cannot be this way when pursuing my dreams (and doing PR work). It takes time and nothing happens over night. Months and sometimes years of hard work are put into seeing your dreams come into fruition (ie completing your college degree, buying a home, having a family, landing your client a dream spot on tv). It all takes time. And patience.

So, future PR pro. Learn to be your own cheerleader, because in the end you will be the biggest push to accomplish the goals you set out to fulfill!
